The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Being Lean

The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Being Lean

By Rian Miranda – Riyadh

Rian Miranda healthy vegetable salad

Start fresh and get lean as summer’s about to start. You can do it, even if it’s just the bare minimum. You only need to practice these two small habits six days a week, and feel — and see — the difference in a month.

A) Control your food

vegetable salad a good diet

Avoid stocking up food in your room or office drawer since it has a way of attracting you to want to eat more, and it makes you feel less full. Don’t allow the calories to pile up by staying away from junk food and fill your snack bowl with fruits and energy bars instead. Also, it only takes a few seconds to identify the difference between hunger and emotional eating, since it is important that you understand what you actually feel and this prevents developing health risks later.

B) Work out

workout to stay lean

Exercise can also help your emotional being, in addition to giving you a fabulous figure. If you don’t like going to the gym or running/walking outside, you can still keep yourself fit at the comfort of your home for 10 minutes. Yes, you read that right. Choose one routine from these equipment-free methods and fit them in your daily schedule to improve your health and fortify your muscles: skipping rope, push-ups, side-lying leg lifts and squats

You can alternate each routine so it would not feel stodgy doing only one thing every day. Don’t forget to warm up and cool down for two minutes before and after to prepare your muscles and prevent any injury.

Follow Rian – Instagram: msrianmiranda, Youtube: