Illustrado Scrapbook: Marco Paulo Sugpatan Epino & Raffy Dulay


Illustrado Scrapbook

Raffy Dulay

Raffy Dulay’s burning passion for capturing enchanting sceneries started when he was merely thirteen years old. “Whenever my family and I would go on vacation, I’d gaze longingly out the window, wishing I had a camera to capture every amazing detail out there,” he confesses. Raffy’s love for his art has been hardened by his need for self-development. What’s impressive is that he’s never had any formal lessons in photography; he’s been gorging himself in how-to photography books and videos since day one – that is, when he first laid his hands on a camera. Primarily a nature photographer, Raffy likes using natural elements – lighting, rain and shadows – to enhance the quality of his shots. It’s these skills that landed him a job as an Event Photographer for one of Bahrain’s travel magazines. At present, Raffy works as a Graphic Designer at an advertising agency – – far cry from his previous career – due to better opportunities. No longer photographing professionally, he’s set up a community of talented hobbyists, the Middle East Shutter Squad, and seeks to share the meaning of this addictive art with fellow camera-trigger-happy photographers.

Marco Paulo Sugpatan Epino

Marco Paulo’s first forays in the realm of photography were simply dismissed as something on the side. Since then, he’s found himself scouring every single field – right down to the basics – completely enthralled by how photographic images can express form and texture with the simple press of a button. He’s also fostered a great love for photojournalism as well as landscape and street photography. He’s listed technology and conceptualism as the main movers of his career direction, the greatest influence being his mentor, Richard Martinez whom he later assisted in photoshoots as an assistant Photographer and Light Man. Long past his shutterbug days, Marco lives and breathes his art as a Photographer, Graphic Artist and Web Designer at a media company based in Abu Dhabi.

